Brampton 2 Zero are collaborating with Brampton Fell Farm to restore the Brampton Fell Moss. The project will be funded by a Natural Food Management Scheme. more
Brampton 2 Zero have collaborated with "Brampton Walkers are Welcome" to provide eco information to walkers with the aim of increasing their connection with nature. more
B2Z are facilitating homes installing Solar panels. more
Cold to Cosy Homes is a collaboration with Cumbria Action for Sustainability more
We are providing swift boxes to enable our existing swift population to expand. more
Brampton 2 Zero have created a project which both provides a personal tree planting scheme plus makes an income to fund projects. more
Educating our young people is the key to a quick and permanent transition in Brampton to a low carbon economy and an increase in our biodiversity. We are working with William Hoar... more
Educating our young people is the key to a quick and permanent transition in Brampton to a low carbon economy and an increase in our biodiversity. We are working with William Hoar... more
Brampton 2 Zero are collaborating with the Woodland Trust to plant trees in Brampton to sequester the carbon we are producing and to provide pollination and wildlife pathways. Our... more
We have been planting more trees, widening the existing woodland, restoring hedges and shelter belts.... more