Brampton 2 Zero Projects Blogs

B2Z volunteers have planted 1000 trees!

B2Z volunteers have planted 1000 trees!


Mapping our local environemnt

This is a series of features which map the environment of Brampton  more  

Brampton Beck Natural Flood Management Scheme

The story of B2Z's Natural Flood Manage Scheme for Brampton Beck.  more  

Connecting with nature Survey

B2Z are collaborating with the Lancaster University student society "Climate Action" and are using a survey to discover how the university community compares with the Brampton Comm...  more  

Josh's experience of working with B2Z

The Blog of Josh's experience with B2Z  more  

Announcing B2Z first employee.

Announcing B2Z first employee.  more  

Introduction to Lucy

Introduction to Lucy Ingham and her final report  more  

Brampton 2 Zero's Launch

Brampton 2 Zero officially launch was on 10th April 2022. This is the press release.  more  

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